A big birthday cake for a 40th birthday party. This had to have been my favorite delivery of all time! The party didn't officially start until an hour after I delivered the cake, but the celebration had already started well before I got there!
The whole house and all the guests (mom, dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, kids) were all decked out in 80's garb and nearly every square inch of the house was covered in 80's memorablia and party goods. And everyone was in good spirits -- especially the 5 year old twins who are psyched to get to stay up late.
And the best part is that they all ooh-ed and ahh-ed over the whole cake, while I only see the mistakes.
Missing from the picture is a skateboard that was still drying at the time this photo was snapped.
It was fun to go back in time (I survived the 80's), and a little disconcerting that someone who did not technically experience the 80's thought it would be a fun party theme - much like celebrating the 50's was for us oldsters!
Grandpa wondered if I delivered to El Paso. I told him, that if he paid for the ticket I'd get him a cake. Now if someone from the Bahamas would order a cake!